Outsourcing destination guide


pages ICT sector analysis


A joint initiative with

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About the Outsourcing Destination Guide Uzbekistan

This guide provides information for professionals and organisations interested and/or involved in buying, providing, or advising in ICT, business processes, and global business services. The information helps to better understand the local conditions and opportunities in the ICT sector in Uzbekistan and to get to know the relevant local companies, experts and professionals, and support organisations.

The Outsourcing Destination Guide Uzbekistan has been developed in cooperation with IT Park Uzbekistan in Germany and has been produced independently without representing any commercial interests of the participating companies.

The information we present is based on over 40 different docu- ments, articles, research papers, statistics, and other resources (given in the texts) from local organisations and media, over government organisations, local and international sector experts, to international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund or the Worldbank Group.

The articles in the chapter “ICT Sector Insights” are written by local ICT executives and repres- entatives of organisations such as universities to provide first-hand
insights into working methods, business mentality, education and achievements.

We would like to thank all of our partners, especially the IT Park Uzbekistan, and the authors, as well as the creators of the media in this publication (credits and license information see on the respective pages) for their contributions to the Outsourcing Destination Guide Uzbekistan.

This publication is distributed as free download and as a print copy on selected industry events in Germany, around Europe and Central-Asia.

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Uzbekistan 2024 (#6)

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Independent non-profit initiative by Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association), produced by 5com Media (www.outsourcing-marketing.org).

By German Outsourcing Association


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