Outsourcing Destination Guide


2020 edition

Even in the age of the employee market and constant demand for specialized staff, employment in outsourcing and modern business services is steadily growing. It can be safely assumed that the number of 300,000 employees in the BSS industry has already been exceeded.

We present with the Outsourcing Guide Poland 2020 the capabilities and actors of the Polish IT industry. We show case unique solutions invented by Polish industry experts in the form of case studies and project reports. As a result we help decision makers better understand the advantages and conditions in working with Polish IT- service providers.

This guide has been produced as joint initiative with our local partner the Pro Progressio Foundation.

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Poland (#17)

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Independent non-profit initiative by Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association).

By German Outsourcing Association


Email: office@outsourcing-verband.org

Phone: +49 391 50558231

Contact: Stephan Fricke