One of Bulgaria’s major strengths in the global outsourcing market is the well-developed education system in the areas of electronics, engineering and computer sciences. In 2011 there were more than 64,000 graduates from 53 universities and colleges, of which more than 30,000 graduates potentially suitable for employment within the BPO industry. Among the enrolled 280,000 students in Bulgarian universities, more than 115,000 studied in the fields of IT, Mathematics, Economics and Administration.
We present with the Outsourcing Guide Bulgaria the capabilities and actors of the Bulgarian ICT sector. Independent information guide by German Outsourcing Association in co-operation in co-operation with BOA – Bulgarian Outsourcing Association and BASSCOM – Bulgarian Association of Software Companies.
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Independent non-profit initiative by Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association).
By German Outsourcing Association